Our Instructor


Sifu Chris Wong*

Sifu Wong is a disciple of Grand Master Chan Yong Fa, a fifth generation direct descendant of the Chan Family Lineage of the Choy Lee Fut Martial Arts and Qi Gong health system

The system’s lineage of teachers can be traced back to the Shaolin Temple of China with its health preservation principles based on the Confucius, Taoist and Buddhist concepts of health

Apart from teaching online zoom classes for Eastern Qi, Sifu Wong is a faculty teacher contributing to the running of the Lohan Qi Gong School in Sydney www.choyleefut.org

*Chris spent his early childhood years in Hong Kong before attending boarding school in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney in the early 1980s, he holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM)

He qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst and Young and holds CPR and First Aid certifications